Last reviewed: 30/08/2024 Article ID: R002315

The information in this article applies to:

  • All Version 17 Products


This article contains links to articles regarding the Version 17 conversion.

Version 16 to Version 17 Conversion Instructions from Version 16 to Version 17
KB Article R11536 – STCONV17.LOG Information
KB Article R11530 – Third Party Integration Requirements
KB Article R11531 – Version 17 Information & Resources
Version 15 to Version 16

Conversion Instructions from Version 15 to Version 16

KB Article R11357 – STCONV16.LOG Information

KB Article R11300 – Third Party Integration Requirements

KB Article R11355 – Version 16 Information & Resources

Version 14 to Version 15

Conversion Instructions from Version 14 to Version 15

Notes: The only conversion program provided on the Version 17 download or Version 17 CD is STCONV17.EXE, which is used to convert Version 16 data files to Version 17.

  • STCONV16.EXE, which is used to convert Version 15 data files to Version 16, can be found on the Version 16 CD. Alternatively, the Version 16 conversion program can be downloaded from the Internet at

  • STCONV15.EXE, which is used convert Version 14 data files to Version 15, can be found on the Version 15 CD. Alternatively, the Version 15 conversion program can be downloaded from the Internet at

  • If you need to convert from Version 14 or earlier, you will need to send your data in to Software Technology for conversion to Version 17. Contact Software Technology for information on converting data.

Note: In-house Conversions are subject to normal conversion costs.


The programs used to convert data are provided in the Help files. The Help button  or the F1 key can be used to read more about the various questions asked during the conversion.

  • The program used to convert Version 16 data files to Version 17 data files is named STCONV17.EXE.
  • The program used to convert Version 15 data files to Version 16 data files is named STCONV16.EXE.
  • The program used to convert Version 14 data files to Version 15 data files is named STCONV15.EXE.