
Tabs3 Software System Requirements

Following are the minimum requirements common for all software:

  • All Systems
  • Windows 11/10, Windows Server 2025/2022/2019/2016.
  • Minimum processor speed and system memory requirements are the same as your operating system requirements.
  • A new installation of Tabs3 Software requires approximately 1 GB of available drive space. We recommend that you allocate additional drive space for future data file growth.
    • For optimal database performance, we recommend installing the Tabs3 Software to a solid state drive (SSD) on your file server rather than a traditional hard drive. Note that faster drives and drive interfaces (e.g., NVMe vs. SATA) will result in better performance.
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 or later is required in order to install Tabs3 Software.
  • A local, low-latency (less than 1-2ms), wired connection between the server and individual workstations is required for optimal performance and reliability.
    • The Pre-Install Guide includes best practices when configuring your network environment. This guide is available at
    • See Knowledge Base Article R11637, “Network Performance Guide,” for more detailed information on configuring your network for use with Tabs3 Software.
    • See Knowledge Base Article R11722, “Tabs3 Cloud Options,” for more information on using Tabs3 Software over a Wide Area Network (WAN) or the Internet.
  • Internet access required. At least one workstation must be able to connect to the internet in order to periodically validate the Tabs3 Software license.
  • Additional technical information regarding the operating system environment can be found in Knowledge Base Article R11815, “Tabs3 & PracticeMaster Software Requirements.”
  • Information regarding integration with third-party applications such as Microsoft® Outlook®, Microsoft® Word, Worldox®, CalendarRules™, PenSoft® Payroll, QuickBooks®, and more can be found in Knowledge Base Article R11886, “Third Party Integration Requirements.”
  • Recommended screen resolution of 1280 × 1024 or higher. Minimum screen resolution of 1024 × 768 using 100% text size (i.e., 96 dpi).

Platinum Server

The following system software and hardware is required for the server computer on which the Platinum Server will be installed:

  • Platinum Server software.
  • Platinum versions of the software (i.e., 90000 series serial numbers or 95000 for Platinum SQL).
  • A multi-core processor is recommended.
  • 2GB RAM is the minimum recommended memory for the Platinum Server.
  • Ensure that plenty of free disk space is available. Temporary files created on the server can be quite large. Minimum free space of four (4) times the data set size is recommended. Each HotBackup requires enough disk space for the entire data set.
  • Windows Server: Windows Server 2025/2022/2019/2016, Windows 11/10. Recommended that all current Service Packs be installed. A 64-bit operating system is required for Platinum SQL Server. Note: When running the Platinum Server on a non-server operating system (i.e., Windows 11/10), you are limited to the number of concurrent connections and may exceed the connection limit in that operating system.
  • Platinum Exchange Connector: If using the Platinum Exchange Connector, refer to Knowledge Base Article R11596, “Configuring the PracticeMaster Platinum Exchange Connector,” for specific installation requirements.
  • Workstation: Windows 11/10. Recommended that all current Service Packs be installed.
  • Platinum editions require a Windows operating system to operate. Platinum software cannot be installed on a non-Windows device such as an NAS device.
  • Additional technical information regarding Platinum requirements can be found in Knowledge Base Article R11815, “Tabs3 & PracticeMaster Software Requirements.”