
Top 6 Signs It's Time to Say Goodbye to Your Current Legal Software

by Bruce Policky / June 13, 2024

Top 6 Signs It

“That’s just the way we’ve always done things.”

It’s a common phrase used in offices around the world.

But even if a solution worked for your law firm five or ten years ago, that doesn’t mean it’s the best solution today. The legal field is changing, with new technology disrupting old ways of doing business.

Maybe it’s time to ask a more fundamental question: is your legal software still the best system for your law firm’s needs?

What the right legal software should do for your law firm

Legal software, at its core, is designed to make running a law practice easier. Beyond general practice management features, the right legal software should provide:

These features reduce pain points in legal workflows and make your life easier. That said, even legal software with all the bells and whistles may not be the right choice for your firm if you don’t see results, or worse, if you dread using it.

So, if you have a nagging sense that says, “Is it time for a change?” Here are some signs that you may be ready for a new legal software solution.

6 signs that it’s time to say goodbye to your current legal software

When you’re focusing on client case matters, it’s hard to examine other aspects of your law firm, such as business administration. But making a change now could save you significant time and money down the road.

Here are six indicators that you may benefit from new legal software.

1.   Your software doesn’t actually save you time on daily tasks

Every business seems to have that one system that makes tasks more difficult, for no apparent reason. If that’s your legal billing and practice management system, then you may have a big problem.

Legal software solutions should save your time on daily tasks by making your to-do list faster and easier to accomplish.

For example, a time-saving legal billing software may:

  • Provide automated time tracking within the billing system to semi-automate the client invoice generation process.
  • Complete 3-way reconciliation to balance your trust accounts.
  • Run detailed reports, like an Accounts Receivable by Timekeeper Report, to understand which attorneys may need collections assistance.
  • Provide back-ups and auto-recovery to protect your data from any unexpected power outages or network disconnection.

On the other hand, clunky systems can make your daily tasks even harder than they need to be.

  • Do your software systems integrate? Or do you have to switch between systems to accomplish a single task?
  • Is it difficult to get a birds-eye view of your accounting activities?

If you said “yes” to either of these questions, then it may be time for a change.

2.   Your team can’t access key software functionalities while working remotely

Most legal professionals say they prefer a flexible work model where staff can work remotely and come into the office a few days a week. With many law firms working from home, it’s critical that your legal software is flexible and can adapt to remote work without compromising on functionality.

Many legal software options without cloud capability are difficult to adapt to a hybrid work model. There may be security issues or system glitches. It may be difficult to tackle key tasks without complicated workarounds or phone calls to colleagues asking them to email you instead.

These complications can delay progress, cause frustrations within teams, and disrupt processes, all avoidable outcomes when you have software that adapts to your working conditions.

3.   Your software doesn’t get regular updates

There are two types of updates that legal software should receive regularly:

  • Security updates
  • Functionality enhancements

Security updates ensure that, as the broader technological ecosystem evolves, your legal software evolves with it. They patch system vulnerabilities, protecting both you and your clients. If your legal software hasn’t been updated since 2020, you may have significant risk exposure.

Functionality updates are just as critical. If your software never provides new features or if it never makes any changes, that may indicate that it doesn’t consider user feedback. Legal software is supposed to make your life easier, so developers should constantly be searching for better, easier ways to accomplish tasks.

The world is changing quickly, and you don’t want to get left behind.

4.   Your software isn’t able to grow with your firm

Most law firms aim to add new clients and increase revenue. However, growth requires adaptability in both processes and tools.

As your law firm expands, your software should be able to keep up. What this looks like can depend on your firm’s unique goals.

If you’re in a growth cycle, for example, you may need legal client relationship management (CRM) that can improve your intake process so staff aren’t overwhelmed. If you want to improve attorney utilization rates, your firm might benefit from customizable workflows to reduce manual tasks or enhanced reporting that can identify bottlenecks.

The key takeaway: if your legal software doesn’t scale with you, it’s time to consider one that will.

5.   Your firm is still spending thousands of dollars on a paper-heavy billing process

Is your firm still relying on a paper-heavy prebill process or even a paper invoicing and payment system?

A paper-heavy billing workflow could be costing your firm thousands of dollars each year in paper, toner, ink, printers, and other office materials. Not to mention, paper billing processes expose your firm to human error and significant time delays in receiving client payments.

If you’re ready to reduce costs, process payments faster, and be a little more environmentally friendly, it may be time to look for new legal billing software.

Tabs3 Billing has everything you need to send bills quickly with paperless invoicing. The end result is an easier billing process, a better client experience, and more time for you to focus on your clients’ case matters.

6.   Your legal software support team is lackluster

There are plenty of software options out there that have near-invisible support teams. This isn’t a problem until you have a problem, and then it’s a big issue.

Your software’s support team can make or break your experience with a product. So why are you settling for a reluctant support team that doesn’t actually help you?

Instead, look for legal software that prides itself on its friendly, helpful support team.

Ready for your next legal software?

Tabs3 is legal software dedicated to supporting law firms and making their lives easier. With a top-notch support team, regular updates, and features like a legal CRM and website builder, Tabs3 provides law firms with a competitive edge in a saturated field.

Ready to see the possibilities for yourself? Schedule a demo today.